Eight bikes left.
Two Transition Spires and one Sentinel. Two Forbidden Dreadnoughts. One Evil Offering and one Wreckoning.
Two more rounds of matchups, with Round 4 starting on Monday, February 14th.
Longer travel bikes seem to be the key to our viewer's hearts, and we don't blame 'em. These rigs are mean, lean, bump gobbling machines, and they mean business. Let's check in with a few of the owners of the remaining bikes on what they think about their bikes and what they think their chances are on taking the win!
Shaun's Evil Offering
Instagram: @shaunhmc
It looks like you got the bike in April. I'm hoping you've spent some quality time riding it? What has been your favorite thing about the bike so far?
The bike is soft and playful for a 29er. Coming from BMX it’s a huge bike for me.
Have you changed out any of the components on the bike since getting it or are you still running it "stock"?
I’m still rolling “Fanatik stock” if you want to call it stock lol. I think the build is solid enough for me to not want to change anything. I’d like to add some sort of rear fender/ mud guard at some point
Is this the first EVIL bike you've owned or have you had one before?
This is my first Evil and I don’t see a reason to change.
How often do you get stopped on the trail with people ogling over that gold bling? I'm sure it's a conversation starter out on the trail!
There have been a few times here and there, but mostly I get the usual “I like the gold” in passing.
What kind of trails are you riding most often on your Offering?
I mostly ride XC and Enduro trails
Do you have any super memorable rides on that bike so far?
Not really, I haven’t gone riding with many people. I’m still getting used to MTB riding. I have to say first hand an expensive bike doesn’t make you a better rider lol.
If you could choose any of the other bikes from the bracket so far, which one would it be? (You can view the bracket here if you need a refresher on some of the other builds)
I like both of these Spires. I’d take either one lol (Oil Slick Spire or barefoot jake spire were the ones he picked. Round of 16 matchup)
How do you feel about your chances of taking the #2021DreamBuild Title?
Hard to say, I’d like to think I still have a chance but there are some seriously badass builds still in the running. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Michael S's Ziggy Link'd Dreadnought
I revisited your order and tracking shows the bike got to you in June. I'm hoping you had a decent summer riding the bike. What has been your favorite thing about the bike so far?
The stability and confidence at speed. Its composure makes it feel like you have more time to think when things get hectic.
Have you changed out any of the components on the bike since getting it or are you still running it "stock?"
It was a pretty custom build to start with and the only change that I’ve made is going back and forth between the 27.5” and the 29” rear wheel depending on what I’m riding.
So we actually built you a 27.5 and a 29" rear wheel for this bike so you could run it full 29” or run a Ziggy link and run it mullet. You had told me you've mostly run it mullet. What is it that you like the most about the smaller wheel out back?
The only single benefit I have noticed in running it as a full 29’er is pedaling efficiency. So I keep the 29” on during the winter when I’m doing more trail riding and peddling with buddies on trail bikes.
When the weather breaks I will not be running anything but the mullet. I can confirm all the usual benefits like quick transitional turning, better maneuverability, and more clearance as a shorter rider—however, I am experiencing a benefit that I have not heard or read about anywhere. The balance in traction when drifting with the mullet is nearly flawless. For example on many bikes that I have ridden when I push the bike into a drift the front wheel generally washes out more. I can try to throw my weight forward on those bikes but if you don’t get the maneuver perfect you’ll generally wash out the front wheel and crash. When running the Dreadnought in mullet- mode there is such an equal amount of traction that in combination with the central body position the bike drifts perfectly.
So as a Dreadnought owner myself I know the bike is definitely a conversation starter out on the trail. Have you had any funny interactions with people ogling over your high pivot bike? Anyone think you are riding an E-bike? I know I get that one a lot. They think the idler is a motor or something.
The hype of it is definitely a conversation starter and you generally get two viewpoints. Being here in New York we get a lot of people that are reminiscing on Brooklyn Machine Works and other great high pivot machines of the local past. Then you get the modern tech junkies that wonder what type of rock crushing beast it is and “how terrible does it pedal.” Overall I’m surprised at how many people have some kind of idea of what’s going on.
What kind of trails are you riding most often on your Dreadnought?
I have been riding mostly all-mountain trails that have some free-ride features scattered around. I only expected to take it on the chairlift once last season but I ended up going seven times as the bike was phenomenal at the park. The bike jumps much better than most people give it credit for, you just have to scrub it racer style.
Do you have any super memorable rides on that bike so far?
I have two rides which will not leave my memory any time soon. The first was more of a feature than a ride. There is a road gap that’s on my local trail that I’ve been riding by for about 20 years that I have not had the guts to hit. It’s about 12 feet down and 25 feet out. I’d been feeling so good on the bike that I revived the road gap and sent it a bunch of time for good measure.
The second day would have to be at Thunder Mountain in Massachusetts. I met up with all my buddies on their downhill bikes and felt a bit outgunned. On virtually every trail except for the DH race course I was on pace with the crew the entire day. Both they and I were in disbelief of the pace I was managing that day.
If you could choose any of the other bikes from the bracket so far, which one would it be? (You can view the bracket below if you need a refresher on some of the other builds)
Probably the Transition Sentinel with the blue-trim Envy wheels.
How do you feel about your chances of the #2021DreamBuild Title?
I would imagine extremely high. As the previous owner of Morpheus bikes, riding test bikes in the industry for many years I am blown away by this bike and build. With the Push shock the performance is in a place I never thought bikes would be. The only thing that can keep me from winning is that you guys only had SRAM in stock at the time when I built the bike and I would’ve liked to go with Shimano. The Dreadnought and the Morpheus V slope are my two favorite bikes in history, so it sits very close to top spot in my heart even if it does not win.
Callahan P's Spire
You were one of the later builds to come through in 2021. Looking back at tracking info, the bike showed up right before the Christmas holiday. How did it feel having Christmas come early?
I couldn’t have been more stoked when my bike showed up. I got it at like 6pm and immediately started putting it together and getting it set up for my riding style.
Have you been able to ride it much where you are, or has winter made you wait?
I haven’t been able to ride it as much as I’d have liked because of the weather, but I’ve taken it out and gotten it dialed and she absolutely rips. I ride it here at the only chair operated bike park in Texas called Spider Mountain. The slackness of this thing and the 180mm fork rips the chundery single liners and floats the jump lines with ease.
What has been your favorite thing about the bike so far?
I really love how stable the bike is while still having the playful ability similar to what you’d get from a Patrol.
Have you changed out any of the components on the bike since getting it or are you still running it "stock"?
I’m still running it “stock” but I think I’ll likely get a second set of wheels and swap the pedals out for something a little lower profile than the Chromags.
Is this the first Transition bike you've owned or have you had one before?
This is my first Transition bike of my own but I’ve been riding all of my friend’s Transitions for years and knew it was the brand that I’d commit to doing the Bike Builder with.
If you could choose any of the other bikes from the bracket so far, which one would it be? (You can view the bracket here if you need a refresher on some of the other builds)
Honestly there’s been some amazing transitions in the mix so I’m just happy other people see my Spire for the badass ripper that I see it as. Obviously I love the Transitions, especially @shaunhmc’s bike. But I LOVE the Evil bikes. The Wreckoning was the only other bike I looked at besides the Spire and I think that thing is glorious.
How do you feel about your chances of the #2021DreamBuild Title?
I really hope my bike can hold up and make it to the final but any of these bikes could get that top spot and I’ll be stoked regardless of who gets that W. Stoked to be a part of the contest; thank you guys for building a truly badass bike for all of us!
Charlie H's Sentinel
Instagram - @stursby
Looking back at your order it looks like your Sentinel got to you in September. So kind of the tail end of the season. Did you get some good fall riding in on the bike?
Absolutely! I live in MN and got a couple of bike park days up north at Giants Ridge and Spirit Mountain. Also got a week down in Bentonville, AR.
What has been your favorite thing about the bike so far?
The Sentinel is so confidence inspiring. I love how it feels planted at speed, but still playful. I love to jib around on it.
Have you changed out any of the components on the bike since getting it or are you still running it "stock"?
Bone “stock!”
Is this the first Transition bike you've owned or have you had one before?
First one! Love it! I see what the hype is about :P
What kind of trails are you riding most often on your Sentinel?
I'll bring it to some of the more techy local trails, but mostly ride it up north at the bike parks or on bigger, more technical stuff.
Do you have any super memorable rides on that bike so far?
Hands down my highlight was a full day at Lake Leatherwood DH in Eureka Springs, AR. And hitting the big drop (don't remember which # run it's on) Here's the video of it tho --> https://www.instagram.com/p/CWGphOZlaoj/
If you could choose any of the other bikes from the bracket so far, which one would it be? (You can view the bracket here if you need a refresher on some of the other builds)
My 2 favorites remaining are the Ziggy'd Dreadnought and the Coral Wreckoning.
How do you feel about your chances of the #2021DreamBuild Title?
I feel pretty good! There's some killer bikes left so either way I'm in good company!
Bryson D's Push'd Wreckoning
Looking back at your tracking info, you got your Wreckoning delivered in August. Right at the tail end of the summer. Did you get some quality riding in this fall on the bike?
Yes, I was able to get it out for a couple spins.
What has been your favorite thing about the bike so far?
The Push Industries ElevenSix. This is my first coil shock and I am more than impressed with its responsiveness and traction. It climbs almost as well as it descends.
Have you changed out any of the components on the bike since getting it or are you still running it "stock"?
Still as it came to me.
Is this the first EVIL bike you've owned or have you had one before?
First Evil. Been eyeing them for years.
What bike did you come off of before the Wreckoning?
2016 Pivot Mach 6. Haven't had the heart to sell it yet though.
What kind of trails are you riding most often on your Wreckoning? Is it your everyday ride or is it a big brawler you only pull out when you are riding the rough stuff?
Big Mountain and desert riding. I live in Gunnison, CO. So lots of choices and terrain to choose from a day's drive away.
Do you have any super memorable rides on that bike so far?
Sedona. About to go back down in March. Gonna meet up with a friend and hit up Tucson's Mt. Lemon trails.
If you could choose any of the other bikes from the bracket so far, which one would it be? (You can view the bracket here if you need a refresher on some of the other builds)
Your Dreadnought for sure.
How do you feel about your chances of taking the #2021DreamBuild Title?
I appreciate that it made it this far. Very cool, and I'm glad people like it. Definitely a dream build for me. Hope to get a lot of years out of it.
Thanks again Rich. Sorry, I don't tend to take pics when I ride. Too busy holding on for dear life!
- Loam Gold Sentinel
- Sky Blue Status
- @callahanpeters Spire
- @el.bruja Sentinel
- @giladmichael Sentinel
- @chriswehrly Rascal
- AXS Offering
- @chriswehrly Spur
- Ziggy'd Dreadnought
- @castellanoanth Ripmo
- RockShox Druid
- Red Sentinel
- RockShox Ripmo
- @jacetr1987 Enduro
- @unholyrollerz Grave Digger Offering
- T1000 Rascal
- @shaunhmc Offering
- @duanezingale Wreckoning
- @dependablebert Stumpy Evo
- @thereal_mike_b Stumpy Evo
- @kell_warner Druid
- @kyledoerksen Insurgent
- @hadleyfield Spire
- @delarro Spire
- @culler.ron Offering
- @jholmesrealestate Druid
- Deep Space 9 Dreadnought
- Blue Steel Druid
- Coral Wreckoning
- @PeteRecc1 Druid
- @whopperwithsteeze Wreckoning
- S-Works Stumpy Evo
- Loam Gold Sentinel
- @callahanpeters Spire
- @giladmichael Sentinel
- AXS Offering
- Ziggy'd Dreadnought
- RockShox Druid
- @jacetr1987 Enduro
- @unholyrollerz Grave Digger Offering
- @shaunhmc Offering
- @thereal_mike_b Stumpy Evo
- @kell_warner Druid
- @hadleyfield Spire
- @jholmesrealestate Druid
- Deep Space 9 Dreadnought
- Coral Wreckoning
- S-Works Stumpy Evo
- @callahanpeters Spire
- @giladmichael Sentinel
- Ziggy'd Dreadnought
- @jacetr1987 Enduro
- @shaunhmc Offering
- @hadleyfield Spire
- Deep Space 9 Dreadnought
- Coral Wreckoning
- Ziggy'd Dreadnought
- @shaunhmc Offering
- @stursby Sentinel
- The Dreadsled
- Rowdy Rail
- @stursby Sentinel
- Oil Slick Spire
- @barefootjake1 Spire
- Push'd Wreckoning
- Super Scout
- Push'd Enduro
- The Dreadsled
- Rowdy Rail
- Blue Highlights Ripmo
- @tylerj_bowers Offering
- @stursby Sentinel
- "Hunter Safety" Spire
- Oil Slick Spire
- Deep Sea Spur
- @barefootjake1 Spire
- @timhiggins_122 Optic
- Push'd Wreckoning
- @theoriginalkevinjamescassidy Rail
- Super Scout
- Push'd Enduro
- @kevin_j_lopez Sentinel
- Northern Lights Druid
- The Dreadsled
- @ianrswanson Ripmo
- Rowdy Rail
- Blue Highlights Ripmo
- Stealth Ripley
- @americanmtb Ranger
- @tylerj_bowers Offering
- @stursby Sentinel
- @bruno_pelech Ripmo
- "Hunter Safety" Spire
- Tan Wall Offering
- Oil Slick Spire
- @ericpalbertson Offering
- Star Destroyer RipMo
- Deep Sea Spur
- @barefootjake1 Spire
- Stealth Stumpy Evo
- Halloween HD5
- @timhiggins_122 Optic
- Push'd Wreckoning
- Orange Highlights RipMo
- @theoriginalkevinjamescassidy Rail
- @jacksonps Following
- AXS RipMo
- Super Scout
- Golden Spur
- Push'd Enduro
- AXS Ripley
- @kevin_j_lopez Sentinel
- Northern Lights Druid
- Johnny Rotten Ranger
- The Dreadsled
- @brockwebley Rascal
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