V2 27.2 Dropper Post Rebuild Kit

OneUp Components V2 27.2 Dropper Post Rebuild Kit

$22.99 $21.99


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OneUp Components V2 27.2 Dropper Post Rebuild Kit

  • This kit includes all the parts required to rebuild your V2 dropper post (replacement seal, upper and lower bushings, anti-rotation pins)
  • OneUp has found that ~95% of posts with slow top out were caused by low air pressure. Please make sure to check this first and do so with the post fully extended. Proper air pressure is 280-300psi at full extension, and the valve is located under the top clamp
  • If you are still having slow top out then there is a possibility that the upper white bushing needs replacement. This will be evident by the original bushing being difficult to reinstall after being removed
  • Third party online sales are strictly prohibited by manufacturer
    description V2 27.2 Dropper Post Rebuild Kit