Hand Guards
Hand Guards Hand Guards Hand Guards

RevGrips Hand Guards



4 in stock


RevGrips Hand Guards

So why did RevGrips make Hand Guards? Their local trails had been tremendously overgrown and throughout their rides, they'd get struck with branches, bushes, even a cactus or two. It started to negatively impact their rides so something had to change.

They looked around to purchase something that would work well and also compliment the look of their ride. ONE option was available but they couldn't get anything shipped to the USA. At that point, they decided to make their own right here in America.

RevGrip Hand Guards are manufactured at their facility in CA. The Shield is made of high-strength, transparent gray Polycarbonate. The Mount is 6061-T6 Billet Aluminum, anodized Dark Gray to match their other components. Not only do their Hand Guards look pretty cool, they also work great and install in a matter of minutes.


  • Clean Polycarbonate Shield with Soap and Water ONLY
  • DO NOT use LOCTITE for the Shield Screws. If it contacts the Shield, it can cause a chemical reaction and the Polycarbonate will crack. If you need thread-locker, use Vibra-tite instead of Loctite.